cctv setup
My CCTV system is running on a Dell Vostro 420 - 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo (E7400) Processor, 3GB RAM, 500GB HD for storage of video files, ATI Radeon 3450 graphics card. The system is running Geovision v8.31 with a GV-1240 card and 6 NUVICO W27IR19N cameras (product brief).
The surveillance system is continously monitoring 6 cameras on the perimeter of a residence, and the 500GB HD yields about 60 days of storage for the six cameras.
I setup an iSCSI disk for my Geovision CCTV System, to give me real-time backups of the recorded files, and here is the process I took to get it working.
Pictures from the setup (click each image to enlarge):
Check out if you're interested in cctv surveillance.