My MythTV setup consists of a master backend and a MiniMyth front end. The backend has an Intel DH77EB motherboard, an Intel Core i3 3225 processor with 8GB RAM, and runs CentOS 6.3 x86_64. The MiniMyth frontend runs Minimyth-0.25.3-82.
The backend CentOS was installed with the atrpms-stable, atrpms-testing, centos-plus and rpmforge repo.
The mythfrontend system, running minimyth-0.25.3-82, boots from the backend via tfptboot. The minimyth.conf config files below are copies of what I am currently using.
I previously had a EPIA Minimyth frontend, but has since been retired, since I mainly view only HD now.
I recently updated the Backend to CentOS 6.3 and Myth .25.3 to take advantage of a new HDHomerun Prime box. I received a CableCard and I am now able to view encrypted channels, including HD channels.
The setup of Myth with the HDHomerun Prime was a bit of a challenge and it took me a few weeks to get everything working from a test box. I ended up deleting all of the existing tuners (which were HD Homeruns) and added the Prime, then did a channel scan with the Prime. The channel scan gave me very few channels I could use, but it did add to the dtv_multiplex table all of the frequencies neccesary. I then used the Windows HDHomerun GUI setup to find out all the channels I wanted. I was able to find each channel, grab the frequency and channel number, then put it in a sql statement to import into the mychconverg database.
That was a tedious process, but after writing out about 115 channels I found this to work the best. I also wanted to match up the existing chanid, callsign and name since this preserved all the existing recordings I had and statistics over the 6+ years I have had Myth running.
Here are the steps I did, starting with installing some components:
# yum install xmltv
The xmltv, Perl-File_HomeDir, phpmyadmin are not absolutely necessary, but I used those utils for various troubleshooting tasks assocaited with Myth.
# yum install Perl-File-HomeDir
# yum install phpmyadmin
# yum install qt47-mysql qt47
# yum install mythtv-suite
Then it was a matter of running mythtv-setup, deleting the capture cards, adding the HDHomeRun Prime and then importing the sql statement into the mythconverg db. Phpmyadmin really helps with looking at the database.
mythfrontend - amdAntec Minuet 300 Case A few notes on the setup:Running: Minimyth-0.25.3-82. Pics of the amd box:case with mobo installed: |
mythfrontend - epia retiredA Casetronic c137 case w/ 90w powersupply A few notes on the setup:Running: Minimyth-0.22.0-72. Pics of the epia box:the layout - out of the box: |